
A young middle school student taking on an online class for 德州连接学院 at Houston on his laptop wearing a blue star t-shirt and is also wearing white and red headphones.

德州的每个孩子都应该得到良好的教育. For many, that might be in a traditional, brick-and-mortar public or private school. 然而, you might be wondering if your child might be better suited for enrollment in an online public school in Texas.


德州连接学院是国家认证的, tuition-free online public school available to students in grades 3–12, part of the Houston Independent School District (HISD), with classes taught by credentialed teachers and a curriculum developed by experts in online learning.


德州连接学院 is available to all students in Texas that reside in Anderson County, 安德鲁斯县, 安吉县, 阿兰萨斯县, 阿切尔县, 阿姆斯特朗县, Atascosa县, 奥斯丁县, 贝利县, 杰县, Bastrop附近县, 贝勒郡, 蜜蜂县, 贝尔县, Bexar县, 布兰科县, 波登县, 博斯克县, 鲍伊县, Brazoria县, 布拉索斯河县, 布儒斯特县, 电话县, 布鲁克斯县, 布朗县, 布勒松县, 伯内特县, 考德威尔县, 卡尔霍恩县, 卡拉汉县, 卡梅伦县, 营县, 卡森县, 卡斯县, 卡斯特罗县, 钱伯斯县, 切罗基县, 切尔德里斯郡, 克莱县, 科克伦县, 可口可乐县, 科尔曼县, 科林县, Collingsworth县, 科罗拉多县, 烤盘县, 科曼奇县, Concho县, 库克县, Coryell县, 科特尔县, 起重机县, 克罗克特县, 克罗斯比县, 卡尔伯森通过县, Dallam县, 达拉斯县, 道森县, 聋人史密斯县, 三角洲县, 丹顿县, 德维特县, 狄更斯县, Dimmit县, 唐利县, 杜瓦县, 伊斯特兰县, 载体县, 爱德华兹县, 艾利斯县, 埃尔帕索县, Erath县, 瀑布县, 后者县, 菲也特县, 费舍尔县, 弗洛伊德县, Foard县, 本德堡县, 富兰克林县, 毛石县, Frio县, 盖恩斯县, 加尔维斯顿县, 加尔萨县, Gillespie县, Glasscock县论文, Goliad县, 冈萨雷斯县, 灰色的县, 格雷森县, 格雷格县, 格兰姆斯县, 瓜达卢佩县, 黑尔县, 霍尔县, 汉密尔顿县, Hansford县, Hardeman县, 哈丁县, 哈里斯县, 哈里森县, 哈特利县, Haskell县, 海斯县, Hemphill县, 亨德森县, 伊达尔戈县, 山县, 县照片, 罩县, 霍普金斯县, 休斯顿县, 霍华德县, Hudspeth县, 亨特县, 哈钦森县, 铁县, 杰克县, 杰克逊县, 贾斯帕县, 杰夫戴维斯县, 杰佛逊县, 吉姆·霍格县, 吉姆威尔斯县, 约翰逊县, 琼斯县, 圆锥形石垒县, 考夫曼县, 肯德尔县, Kenedy县, 肯特郡, 科尔郡, 金布尔县, 金县, Kinney县, Kleberg县, 诺克斯县, 拉马尔县, 羔羊县, Lampasas县, 拉萨尔县, Lavaca县, 李县, 利县, 自由县, 石灰岩县, 以至于县, 奥克郡, 大草原县, 爱的县, 卢博克市县, 林恩县, 麦克洛克县, McLennan县, McMullen县, 麦迪逊, 马里恩县, 马丁县, 梅森县, 马塔哥达县, 特立独行的县, 麦地那县, Menard县, 米德兰县, 米拉姆县, 米尔斯县, 米切尔县, 蒙塔古县, 蒙哥马利县, 摩尔县, 莫里斯县, 马特里县, 纳县, 纳瓦罗县, 牛顿县, 诺兰县, Nueces县, Ochiltree县, 奥尔德姆县, 奥兰治县, 帕洛平托县, 帕诺拉镇, 派克县, 改县, 佩科斯县, 波尔克县, 波特县, 要塞县, 降雨县, 兰德尔县, 里根县, 真正的县, 红河县, 里夫斯县, Refugio县, 罗伯茨县, 罗伯逊县, 罗克沃尔郡, 地底下县, 面包干县, Sabine县, 圣奥古斯丁县, 圣哈辛托县, 圣帕特里西奥县, 圣萨巴县, 施莱克尔县, 匆匆县, 沙克尔福德郡, 谢尔比县, 谢尔曼县, 史密斯县, 索穆威尔郡道, 斯塔尔县, 史蒂芬斯县, 英镑县, 石墙县, 萨顿县, 斯威舍县, Tarrant县, 泰勒县, 特勒尔县, 特里县, 思罗克莫顿郡, 提图斯县, 汤姆格林县, 特拉维斯县, 三一县, 泰勒县, 厄普舒尔县, 厄普顿县, Uvalde县, 佛得县, 范赞特县, 维多利亚郡, 沃克县, 沃勒县, 沃德县, 华盛顿县, 韦伯县, 沃顿商学院县, 惠勒县, 威奇托县, Wilbarger县, Willacy县, 威廉森县, 威尔逊县, 温克勒县, 明智的县, 木县, 约克姆县发生的县, 年轻的县, 萨帕塔县, 和扎瓦拉县.


德州连接学院 is accessible to students enrolling in grades 3–12 across Texas. 学生必须符合所有入学标准 德州连接学院, including age limitations and immunization requirements, and have access to a reliable internet connection in a safe learning environment.


作为一所在线公立学校, 德州连接学院推荐正规买球平台, 包括书本和课程. Families are responsible for the costs of school supplies and in-person field trips. 一个家庭可能会收到一台电脑, as well as qualify for a hardship subsidy for internet access, 如果符合条件.


Students enrolled in 德州连接学院 enjoy the flexibility to learn at their own pace, experience more individualized attention from teachers, and have freedom from the distractions present in brick-and-mortar schools. Parents also appreciate the ability to be more involved in their children’s education.


德州连接学院 allows enrolled families to customize their learning schedules to accommodate various lifestyles, 承诺, 学习方式. 


  • ranked second in online high schools in Texas and in the top 30 online high schools in the country

  • offers summer sessions for enrolled students as a recovery or to meet promotion standards 

  • NCAA-approved

  • 提供有天赋的人才, 荣誉, 特殊教育, and Advanced Placement®* courses for high school students, as well as gifted and talented programs for elementary and middle school students 

  • provides an individualized approach to learning throughout the year called Personalized Performance Learning® (PPL), which allows teachers to evaluate the needs of a student and customize accordingly

  • provides Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses 

  • provides the opportunity for qualifying students to earn college credit from participating colleges


  • We provide school events in several cities throughout Texas, ranging from trips to zoos and museums to entertainment centers.

  • We host a Virtual Academic Awards ceremony every spring.

  • National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society are available.

  • We host in-person fall, winter, and spring graduation ceremonies. 

  • Students interested in working on schoolwide videos on important topics can participate in the student news team.

  • We offer student council to students in grades 6–12.

  • 电子竞技俱乐部面向高中生.

了解更多 推荐正规买球平台德州连接学院的社团.

How Long Has 德州连接学院 Been Operating?



德州连接学院 is an accredited public school where students can meet all of the Texas educational and high school graduation requirements. We operate as an approved Houston Independent School District (HISD) campus charter school and are accredited through HISD.


德州连接学院 is open to students in grades 3–12.

If you’d like to learn more about online school in Texas, visit us at 德州连接学院.

*Advanced Placement® is a registered trademark of the 大学 Board. 经许可使用.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



Explore the benefits of attending 推荐正规买球平台, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


